Best-of-breed Cash Pooling & In-House Banking solutions
Tuesday, May 16th 2023 - 3:00 PM (BST)
Cash pooling structures offer multinational corporations the chance to save on interest payments and reduce the need for external financing. But with the tax and regulatory implications of running pools across borders, choosing the right way to set them up is essential.
Today, a new generation of best-of-breed treasury technology providers can support treasurers by providing a stable platform to manage pooling - perhaps as part of an in-house bank.
This Treasury Dragons online session takes a closer look at the best Cash Pooling solutions in a live Q&A with real corporate treasurers.
Today, a new generation of best-of-breed treasury technology providers can support treasurers by providing a stable platform to manage pooling - perhaps as part of an in-house bank.
This Treasury Dragons online session takes a closer look at the best Cash Pooling solutions in a live Q&A with real corporate treasurers.
This is the latest in a series of online events in which treasury technology firms present their solutions to our ‘Dragons’ – and to you.
In short, sharp presentations you will see the highlights of each treasury-enhancing system on offer – and then the solution providers will face some challenging questioning from our panel of treasury tough nuts.
It's the fastest way to get up to speed on what's really on offer.
In short, sharp presentations you will see the highlights of each treasury-enhancing system on offer – and then the solution providers will face some challenging questioning from our panel of treasury tough nuts.
It's the fastest way to get up to speed on what's really on offer.